Automate processes for legal application

Build secure and compliant automations with ease. With digital signing, automatic email and document generation you can create a better workflow for you and your clients

Fully compliant and connected

gdpr badge


Built-in privacy and security compliance so you can stop worrying about how to handle data

bankid logo

Bank ID

Allow one or more parties to sign documents with legally binding signatures

W3C logo


Ensure accessibility for all users with WCAG compliant applications built in Compose

Bank id logo


Let users sign in with trusted authentication providers through ID-porten

Sign here, and here, and here, and here, and

Collect signatures from multiple parties in an automated workflow safely with BankID

   Get your job done faster (provide users with faster processing time)

   Automate document creation after all parties have signed

   Send it of to verification or directly to the point of processing

See what others have done

In need of an example? Check out what other applications use Compose Enterprise and how they use it

Tip collection Case Management

The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries Receive Information and Takes Action Against Crime in the Seafood Industry and the Marine Environment. The Directorate was receiving tips and information through several different channels, like phone, e-mail, social media, and people in the harbours. With Compose Case Management they created a better solution in only four months

Read the case study 

Throw in Case Management into your automations

Send incoming applications to your ERP systems, or connect your workflows to the Compose Case Management module for full automation capability.

highlighted Case Management integration block in drag and drop workflow builder

What’s your challenge?

Our automation experts are ready to answer any question you have or help you get started with building automations today